Digital banking and bill pay will be unavailable from Saturday, March 15, 10:00 p.m. PT through Sunday, March 16, 4:00 a.m. PT due to system maintenance.
Heritage Grove’s 61st Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 20, 2025, at Roth’s West Salem. Learn More
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Community, Credit Union |

International Credit Union Day

Thursday, October 17th is International Credit Union Day, observed by credit unions around the world. This year’s theme is “One World Through Cooperative Finance”. Here at Heritage Grove, we are together in service to our members and our community, and we are celebrating all month long.

Stop by our branch at 631 Winter St. NE in Salem to view our wall of Community Pride and spin our wheel to win great credit union swag. Learn about the organizations we support like Western Oregon University, Grant Community School, The Gilbert House Museum, and many more.

Heritage Grove Federal Credit Union is dedicated to serving and participating in our community. Together we grow tall!

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We're Heritage Grove Federal Credit Union. We're here to help you stand tall, to offer great solutions and sound financial advice. We want to help you achieve your financial goals, and we look forward to serving you. Call us at 503-588-0211 or 1-877-695-8321 with questions, any time!