Digital banking and bill pay will be unavailable from Saturday, March 15, 10:00 p.m. PT through Sunday, March 16, 4:00 a.m. PT due to system maintenance.
Heritage Grove’s 61st Annual Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 20, 2025, at Roth’s West Salem. Learn More
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Community, Holidays |

Holiday Toy Drive

This holiday season, Heritage Grove is partnering with a local Elementary School to help kids in our community by collecting toys and clothing items at the branch. Our Holiday Toy Drive will be running through December 19th

We are collecting items by grade category and the hope is to gain 4 items (toys or clothing) for each category:

  • Kindergarten – Male: Ages 5-7
  • Kindergarten – Female: Ages 5-7
  • First Grade – Male: Ages 6-7
  • First Grade – Male: Ages 6-7
  • Second Grade – Male: Ages 6-8
  • Second Grade – Female: Ages 6-8
  • Third Grade – Male: Ages 7-8
  • Third Grade – Female: Ages 7-8
  • Fourth Grade – Male: 8-9
  • Fourth Grade – Female: 8-9
  • Fifth Grade – Male: Ages 8-11
  • Fifth Grade – Female: Ages 8-11

If you are interested in helping, grab a gift tag off our tree in the lobby and sponsor a child! Drop off your donations in our designated baskets in the lobby and stand tall with us to make a difference in our community. Every item you provide makes an impact!

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