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Budgeting, Financial Planning |

Budgeting for the Holidays

Now is a great time to think about your Holiday Budget.

If you have an idea of how much you spend each holiday season, that number is a good place to start. Are you comfortable with that number? Do you want to adjust it? If you are a holiday spender that doesn’t keep track or plan, do you feel like you end the holiday season wishing you had done and spent less? The first step in deciding on a holiday budget is figuring out what is most important to you. Is it get-togethers? Gift-giving? Reconnecting? Holiday adventures? By first prioritizing your ideal holiday experience, you can better allocate funds to focus on what matters most.

Next, make a list of every potential holiday expense and how much you feel is reasonable to allocate to each category. Below are some holiday expenses to think about (though you may have others):

  • Holiday photos and cards
  • Holiday parties
  • Gift-giving
  • Decorating
  • Travel
  • Religious events or other traditions you take part in
  • Charitable giving

With your list in mind, you can better decide how much to budget for the holidays.

For additional information regarding lowering your holiday spending, check out our financial fitness resources. Questions? Call 503-588-0211.

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