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Savings Accounts

Saving with Heritage Grove makes you an owner.

When you join Heritage Grove Credit Union, the first savings account you’ll open is our basic Ownership Share account, because you aren’t just becoming a member, you’re also becoming an owner.

We offer a variety of short-term savings account options, like our Goal Saver, GroveUp or Money Market account, which helps you save money with specific goals and timelines. Teen and Youth Savings Accounts can help your kids develop healthy savings habits. For those dreaming of owning a home, our First-Time Home-Buyer Savings Account can help you build significant savings for your first home purchase. And use our Pay Yourself Feature to save money directly from your paycheck.

a young man and his dog type something on the laptop
a woman admires vegetables she pulled from the earth
Ownership Share

Owning is saving.

When you join Heritage Grove, you’ll open an Ownership Share account. It’s called an Ownership Share account because once you’re a member with us you’re also an equal owner of the credit union. It only takes a $5 deposit to get the account started, and you’ll start earning dividends on monthly average balances over $100.

For average daily balances under $100, there is a $5 monthly service fee. To have that fee waived, add a Heritage Grove checking account, money market account, certificate account or take out a loan with us.

Open an Ownership Savings Account
GroveUp Savings

Growth in every dollar.

Savings accounts, like mighty trees, start small and grow with the right care. Our new GroveUp Savings Account is designed to kickstart your savings with 4.00% APY¹ on your first $2,000. With zero service fees and monthly dividends deposited directly into your account, you’ll quickly have more means for the things that mean more.

Tiers Dividend APY¹
$0 – $2,000 3.922% 4.00%
$2,000.01 – $10,000 1.98% 4.00% – 2.40%
$10,000.01 – $20,000 0.25% 2.40% – 1.325%
$20,000.01 + 0.10% 1.325% – 0.10%

Want to see what your potential savings could be? Use our GroveUp Savings calculator and see for yourself.

Open your GroveUp Savings Account
a smiling woman in a blue polka dot blouse
Money Market

Higher interest rate returns. No commitment.

A Heritage Grove Money Market account provides you with higher interest rate returns without having to commit your money for a given period of time.

Simply keep an average daily balance above $251 to avoid the $7 monthly service fee.

Open a Money Market account
Pay Yourself First

Make savings easy with Pay Yourself First.

When you have your pay check direct deposited to Heritage Grove, we’ll make your pay available up to two days early² and provide a helpful “Pay Yourself First” prompt inside our app at the time when it is easiest to save. Just choose the percentage of your pay you’d like to save and the account where you’d like the savings transferred. Paying yourself first is an important way to help grow your savings faster.

Open a Savings Account
a man on the phone writes something down
a mom and her college-bound son
Teen Savings

Forging a path to success.

We created the Heritage Grove Teen Savings account to give 13-to-18-year-olds a sense of identity and purpose when it comes to making their own financial decisions.

For every $200 deposited, we’ll make a deposit to their account, up to five deposits per calendar year. There is no monthly service fee and dividends are paid monthly starting with the first $5 deposited.

As a parent or guardian who is a joint account holder, help guide your teen on the path to savings success.

Open a Teen Savings Account
Youth Savings

Start off on the right foot.

We created our Heritage Grove Youth Savings account to encourage a lifelong love of saving money for anyone from birth to 12 years old.

Youth Accounts are set up with a parent or legal guardian as a joint owner, so you can help your child understand the basics of saving and why it’s important to make a habit out of regularly setting money aside.

In addition to no monthly service fees and monthly dividends starting with the first $5 deposited (minimum balance), we also reward a prize for every deposit.

Open a Youth Savings Account
a father smiles at his daughter in a yellow dress
a white man and black woman laughing over wine
First-Time Home-Buyer Savings

Saving to put down roots.

If you’re looking to purchase your first home or have not owned a home in three years, the First-Time Home-Buyer Savings Account allows you to save money for a down payment and closing costs while giving Oregon residents state-tax savings. For this savings program’s guidelines and requirements, contact the Oregon Department of Revenue at or the IRS at

Open an account today

Saving sooner will grow your money sooner. Make your move today by applying online or giving us a call and prepare for a bright future.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. GroveUp APY effective March 24, 2025 and subject to change. Only one GroveUp Account per member. GroveUp requires online account opening, e-Statements and digital banking registration. See Truth In Savings Disclosure for full details.
Ask us about direct deposit. Not every employer or benefits department submits and settles their payroll early. If you have questions on your direct deposit timing, please consult your payroll/benefits department.